October 4, 2022  |  Technical Note

Human Plasma Sample Preparation Workflow Using the Proteograph Product Suite

A technical note describing the Proteograph Product Suite and workflow for complete plasma proteomics sample preparation using the SP100 automation instrument.


Proteins are functional drivers of biology and key indicators of homeostasis in living organisms. While proteomics provides more mechanistic insights into the state of an organism than genomics, proteomic studies have been limited in scale due to challenges with accessibility, reproducibility, and workflow complexities. Blood plasma, an easily accessible biofluid that interacts with many tissues across the human body, is an attractive target for proteomics analysis. However, due to the large dynamic range of protein concentrations, interrogating the plasma proteome in depth has only been addressed by laborious, low throughput, and non-scalable workflows.

The Proteograph Product Suite was developed to address these limitations by enabling high-throughput, in-depth plasma proteome identification and quantification. A panel of f ive proprietary engineered nanoparticles (NPs) with distinct physicochemical properties allows sampling of plasma proteins across the wide dynamic range of the proteome without compromising relative quantitation, enabling unbiased biomarker discovery. Seer’s NP-based approach with the Proteograph Product Suite enables unbiased, deep, rapid proteomics at scale with higher reproducibility than conventional, manual deep proteomics methods.

Here, we describe the Proteograph Product Suite and workflow for complete plasma proteomics sample preparation using the SP100 automation instrument. We demonstrate the baseline comparison to neat plasma proteomics analysis using a standardized liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method on two MS instrument platforms for discovery proteomics: the timsTOF Pro (Bruker) and the Orbitrap Exploris 480 (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Finally, we will describe the cross-plate and cross-site reproducibility of the workflow, demonstrating the platform’s power for unbiased, deep, and rapid proteomics at scale.

Previous studies have shown that NPs provide access to low abundance proteins, enabling identification of new biomarkers from samples such as blood plasma. With the Proteograph technology, labs will be able to perform deep proteomics at scale, gaining more insights to biology than ever before.

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  • Tags
  • Other
  • Biomarker Discovery
  • Serum or Plasma
  • Human