October 18, 2021  |  Brochure

Proteograph Analysis Suite Brochure

An overview of the Proteograph Analysis Suite (PAS), a dedicated software solution for processing, analyzing, and visualizing proteomics data sets generated by LC-MS, including the new proteogenomics workflow.

Get a Clearer View of the Proteome

The Proteograph Product Suite enables unbiased, deep, and rapid proteomic analysis at scale. Survey thousands of human plasma proteins to discover new insights or quantify protein abundance to uncover biological meaning; Seer’s Proteograph Product Suite delivers quantitative, accurate, precise, and reproducible data for proteome studies of any size.

The Proteograph Analysis Suite (PAS) is a dedicated cloud-based software solution for processing, analyzing, and visualizing proteomics data generated by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The integrated search engines power rapid identification and annotation of LC-MS data and the variety of quality control tools ensure the highest confidence in your insights quickly and efficiently.

Demo the Seer Proteograph Analysis Suite

Explore the proteome with Seer’s Proteograph Analysis Suite to empower your research, accelerate results, and decipher the proteome at unprecedented depth and scale. Answer biology’s most challenging questions — faster.

Demo PAS

  • Tags
  • Other
  • Biomarker Discovery
  • Serum or Plasma
  • Human