December 14, 2022  |  Customer Poster

A Highly-Scaled Proteomic Discovery Study for Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Signatures Using Proteograph Technology With Trapped Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry

Browse Publication & Resource Library

This poster highlights current challenges in large-scale DIA data analysis and evaluates the impact of various spectral library approaches. The study leverages the Proteograph workflow and Bruker timsTOF platforms to investigate ~900 patient serum samples with controls.

Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Goal

  • Problem: Current standard-of-care prostate cancer diagnosis using PSA blood testing exhibits low specificity for cancer and leads to unwarranted prostate biopsy.
  • Goal: Our study seeks to discover new proteomic PSA reflex markers in blood with increased specificity for total and high-grade prostate cancer.
  • Approach: We leverage a novel multi nanoparticle based, deep and scalable proteomics platform to investigate ~900 patient serum samples and controls.

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  • Tags
  • Oncology
  • Biomarker Discovery
  • Serum or Plasma
  • Human